Posts in "tutorials" category

Real-time “everything” with operational and analytics data Break down the walls between operational and analytics for real-time data sharing, starting with a shared love language to translate between JSON and SQL.
The 10 data modeling techniques every Vendia user should know Step up your data modeling game to get the most value from Vendia Share.
Applying Vendia Share smart contracts Examples of real-time data validation, computation, and enrichment
Multi-party data sharing with control Learn how Vendia Share's access controls enable trusted and secure real-time data sharing among partners across clouds with insights from our Solutions Architecture team.
How to scale your data ecosystem with Vendia Share Bring multiple data partners from your business network into a controlled, compliant real-time data sharing platform in just minutes with this tutorial from the Solution Architecture team.
How to share Files in Vendia Share Unis Sharing data across different organizations, accounts, and regions used to be hard. This step-by-step example shows how Vendia Share makes it easy to share files in Unis and how to share files with other participants in a Uni while controlling read and write permissions.