
Real-Time Data Applications

Vendia helps you build cross-cloud, multi-account, multi-region, multi-party data and code sharing applications powered by a serverless distributed ledger technology. Every real-time data app you build with Vendia is highly scalable, fault tolerant by default, and possesses an ordered, replicated data model in the form of a distributed ledger. Vendia helps you create apps with just a JSON schema.


Serverless Ledger

The Vendia platform includes serverless ledger and lineage capabilities to ensure data accuracy, provenance, traceability, and safety – all without the complexity of DIY blockchain implementations.

Vendia's immutable, tamper-free ledger is similar in spirit to blockchains. But unlike Ethereum, Vendia is not public blockchain – the only participants who can use your Vendia service are the ones you explicitly grant permissions to. And unlike Hyperledger Fabric, Vendia's ledger provides high throughput, performance, scale, security, reliability, and integrations that enterprises need.


From Data Schema to API and Infrastructure

Vendia eliminates the need for DIY API creation and underlying infrastructure design, provisioning, and management. All you need is a JSON schema representation of your data model. Vendia compiles that schema into serverless resources customized to your model and then deploys a powerful, fully-managed https-based GraphQL engine for reading and writing your data, with full type checking.


Cross-Cloud Support

The big cloud providers offer hundreds of fantastic services. Vendia's cross-cloud support lets you and your partners leverage the best of those services. So, even when you and your partners are on different clouds, you can meet them where they are. Plus, Vendia includes multi-account and multi-region management, so adding and removing regions and cloud service provider accounts from your Vendia applications is simple. You update a couple of lines of configuration and Vendia's platform handles the rest.


Multi-Party Sharing

Whether sharing with partners around the world, or departments across the company, Vendia makes it easy to safely share data. Invite partners and organizations to join your Vendia applications with simple email invitations, making data quickly accessible between multiple parties.

With Vendia, updates are recorded and validated in real-time across parties. The result? Real-time data sharing with full protection through granular access control.


Built-in Security, Privacy and Control

When you build real-time data apps with Vendia you don't need to worry about the operational complexity of safely running the underlying resources. Because Vendia is offered as a SaaS-based solution, you get all the security, operational isolation, and governance capabilities you've come to expect from AWS, Azure, and Google.


Everything as a Service

Vendia is 100% serverless and offered as a service. This means you get the speed to deploy use cases in weeks and add partners in minutes, you get the reach to connect companies around the world across clouds, and you get the power to orchestrate rapidly changing data and heterogeneous sharing patterns – all without the cost and overhead associated with traditional cloud management.