Get started for free

Spin up your first Vendia Share application in minutes.

After your 30 day trial your first three nodes are free.

Pay for additional nodes and usage as your project grows.

Pricing Example

Let’s say your project runs a two-Node Universal Application across AWS and Azure. In the last month, the Universal application processed 100,000 transactions and added 50GB of file storage. Your Nodes responded to 1,000,000 queries and sent 1,000,000 notifications via GraphQL subscriptions, with subscriptions spanning 10,000 total hours.

Additional Node Charges

$0, as the first three of your owned Nodes are free.


The transaction cost for a two-Node Universal application is $2.98 per 10,000 transactions. 100,000 / 10,000 x $2.98 x 2 Nodes = $59.60

File Storage

The file storage cost is $0.04 per GB-Month. 50 x $0.04 x 2 Nodes = $4.00

File transfer across clouds is $0.22 per GB-Month. 50 x $0.22 = $11.00


The query cost is $0.12 per 10,000 queries. 1,000,000 / 10,000 x $0.12 = $12.00

Real-time Subscriptions

The subscription cost is $0.30 per 100,000 messages. 1,000,000 / 100,000 x $0.30 = $3.00/month

Subscription time cost is $0.15 per 10,000 minutes. 100,000 hours / 100,000 minutes x $0.15 = $0.90/month

Total cost

$0 Node charges

$59.60 transactions

$15.00 file storage

$12.00 queries

$3.90 real-time subscriptions

Total = $90.50

Pricing details and FAQs

What are the pay-as-you-go costs?

Feature & UsageCost
GraphQL Mutations - 1 Node$3.76 per 10,000
GraphQL Mutations - 2 Nodes$2.98 per 10,000
GraphQL Mutations - 3 Nodes$2.40 per 10,000
GraphQL Mutations - 4 Nodes$2.11 per 10,000
GraphQL Mutations - 5 or more Nodes$1.95 per 10,000
GraphQL Read Queries$0.12 per 10,000
File Data Transfer in GB – per month$0.22 per GB per month
Database storage in GB - per month$1.03 per GB per month
File storage in GB - per month$0.04 per GB per month
Smart Contracts - per ms$0.78 per 1,000,000
Email Notifications$3.15 per 100,000
All Other Notifications$1.12 per 100,000
GraphQL Subscriptions$0.30 per 100,000
GraphQL Subscriptions - per connection minute$0.15 per 100,000

What are the usages caps for the free trial?

Feature & UsageFree Trial Usage Cap
New Blocks1,000
File Data Transfer in GB10
File storage in GB - per month10

How is database and file storage calculated?

Both database and file storage are calculated using the average GBs storage over the course of the month. If you start a month with 10 GB of storage and end the month with 20 GB, with an average of 15 GB, you will be billed 15 GB of storage for the month.

How do I see my invoices?

To view your invoices for the Individual plan, go to Account Settings within your Share account. From there, click on “View Invoices”.

How can I buy more Nodes or Unis?

The first three Nodes are free! After the first three Nodes, the account will be charged $5/month per Node automatically (no action required). There is no charge per Uni, only per Node in the Uni.

Can I cancel my monthly subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time during the month. However, we will not prorate the monthly charge or refund any unused credit for that month. To cancel your subscription, go to Account Settings within your Share account. From there, click on “Manage Subscription” and towards the bottom of the page you will see “Cancel my subscription” button. By canceling your subscription you are downgrading to the Starter plan, which allows for only a 1 Uni and 2 nodes. If you have more nodes or Unis above the Starter plan limits, you must select the node(s) or Uni(s) to be deleted upon cancellation of your subscription to bring to the Starter plan limit.