Smart APIs

APIs: A Tradition of “Dumb Pipes” 🔧

APIs are critical to virtually all modern applications. From internal APIs shared between teams or departments to the surface area of global enterprises, APIs represent the public “contracts” of modern software systems and IT solutions.

API protocols have also matured over the years, from Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to HTTP to GraphQL, as both businesses and developers have evolved their demands on the data that APIs need to carry. The infrastructure for implementing APIs has advanced as well, from “rolling your own” to deploying open source libraries (such as NGINX), to fully managed cloud services such as Amazon API Gateway and Azure API Management.

But for all these advancements, the conceptual role of an API – that of a “dumb pipe” that doesn’t understand, control, or mediate its content – has remained largely unchanged: APIs are all “syntax”, no “semantics”.

To put it another way, an API doesn’t care if the data it carries (and carrying data is largely what APIs do) is right or wrong, consistent or inconsistent, complete or partial, up to date or radically out of date. And even if the data you drop into one side is perfect, by the time it reaches someone’s system on the other side it may no longer be.

The Cost of Dumb Pipes

As a result, a ton of developer time (and company 💰) go into trying to close what we like to call the API data gap. And that gap is huge: sharing data, and keeping it consistent across companies, clouds, geographies (aka regions), accounts, and technology stacks is arguably the single hardest challenge in modern day applications.

Most IT challenges ultimately come down to solving this problem – storing (your own) data isn’t particularly difficult in 2022, and neither is defining or standing up an API. But ensuring that the parties that API connects are seeing the right data at the right times (and not seeing data they shouldn’t see)? That remains a hard problem, one that consumes untold amounts of people, distributed systems infrastructure, and monetary resources, even with all the advances that have been made over the last 20 years in API technology.

Could Blockchains be the Answer? ⛓️

Is this a fundamental problem, forced on us by the “physics” of software? Or is it an accident of design, reflecting an outdated methodology that hasn’t caught up with better alternatives?

To explore the answer, it’s useful to look at a different technology, one not normally associated with APIs: blockchains and other types of distributed ledgers.

Why blockchains?

Because, leaving the details of API syntax aside, they are all about moving data around while maintaining a uniformly consistent, correct, and up-to-date representation among all the various parties … even if those parties are mutually distrustful of each other. (If crypto-style trust issues don’t sound relevant, just substitute “operationally and security isolated” or “employing enterprise-grade zero-trust architecture” for the term “mutual distrust” in the preceding sentence.)

If you strip away topics like staking and on-chain incentive mechanisms and just focus on the distributed ledger aspects of blockchains, they appear to offer something that APIs are missing: A simple way to move data across gaps (companies, clouds, organizations, regions, etc.) while keeping it consistent everywhere it lives. In other words, they’re smart about the data they carry, unlike an API.

Could distributed ledgers be the answer to filling the API data gap?

Because we get carried away thinking the problem is solved, let’s acknowledge that blockchains, at least conventional ones, don’t solve the kinds of challenges modern API solutions handle.

Problems with traditional APIs

  • No GraphQL (or HTTP) definition mechanisms
  • No fully managed or SaaS-style hosting offering at the scale of an AWS, Azure, or GCP service
  • No fault-tolerant and automatic scaling mechanism
  • No easy cloud or event integration pattern,

You’d certainly be forgiven for thinking that – data consistency aside – blockchains are very far from being a solution to building a smart API.

But what if we could put these two technologies together?

Imagine a system that combined the very best of modern API hosting solutions with all the power of a distributed ledger to keep data securely consistent, correct, and up to date, regardless of where or how it was shared and with whom?

Characteristics of Smart APIs 🤓

Such a system could close the API data gap, but to do so it would need to meet a lot of demanding requirements:

  • High-speed, cross-cloud / cross-region / cross-account data sharing, with automatic cost and latency routing optimization ... all with zero application coding or operational cost to span any of these elements
  • Full ACID semantics and support for user-specified transactions (groupings of updates into atomic changes)
  • Automated batching and concurrency optimizations that require no application coding
  • Automatic caching and storage optimization with intelligent tiering and heat management
  • Decentralized implementation, where each party (or operationally and security-isolated region) has its own, synchronized copy of the data without the need for a single, centralized agency holding all the data in escrow
  • Built-in access controls and ownership models, so that the owner of a piece of data, no matter how large or small, can control (and audit) who sees it and when
  • Full support for versioning and lineage of all data that also obviates the need for separate application logging by providing a fully queryable audit trail for all changes
  • Support for a broad variety of data types, from simple key/value pairs to highly structured business data to multi-terabyte files
  • Easy, config-driven integration with other cloud services, including high-speed streaming, queueing, event hubs, cloud functions, etc.
  • GraphQL-based APIs, generated automatically from a rich, standards-based data model, such as a JSON schema and supporting dynamic introspection for clients
  • Built-in support for easy data model evolution as business needs change, with static (compiler-provided) checks for backwards compatibility to guarantee clients won’t break across model updates
  • Robust role-based access control and authentication/authorization model that provide each participant with the ability to model its local administrator and user profiles and control client access to any portion of the data model, without reliance on (or visibility into) the configuration of any other participant or need for any “global settings”
  • SaaS-style (i.e. fully managed), cloud-based deployment model that requires no third party code deployments or server/container/Kubernetes management. “Serverless”-style, meaning scaling and fault tolerance are handled automatically by the system rather than through operational burdens on the application or its developers/operators
  • Next-level fault tolerance, including the ability to survive cloud service provider outages, even for entire regions (such as the dreaded AWS “us-east-1 is done” scenarios)
  • Ability to add participants in minutes without needing to write code, deploy software, or perform operational incantations

In part two we will show how Vendia Share's smart APIs work and how to use them or you can download the whitepaper today!